Friday, March 19, 2010

The Baaaaall

Okay, I snagged a few photos off of some friends and will now be flinging them at all of you lovelies. I totally want to show how how sexy my friends looked in their costumes (I mean, I think I'm surrounded by some pretty foooiiiine people every day, but in their formal wear--awwww yeah), though I don't want to freak them out with the idea of their pictures being all over the ol' WWW. So I'll just post a few.

First, proof that we were, in fact, on a boat.

Loveliest person I know and myself before the ball. I think that she looks fucking fabulous in the wig, as did everyone else, but she's just not having it.

Is she wrong, or is she wrong?
Two of my other totally foxy friends, partying like it's 1928. Words are not enough to convey the levels of badass achieved here.
I don't really know this kid, but he seems nice enough and we share far too many mutual friends for me to assume him anything other than awesome. Also, this is the only photo in which I am not making a ridiculous face.
More of my beloveds looking schweet.
The band. They came on at around 8:30 and didn't stop until we all had to leave the boat. In short, they were gods.
A friend and myself failing to get the attention of the barman at the afterparty. I don't know who took this picture, actually, but I do appreciate them giving a shot of my shoes.

Now, get out there and enjoy your Fridays, beautiful people!


  1. your dress is amazing! You look stunning! I LOVE YOUR HAIR! <3

  2. Thank you both so much! Gahhh--loveliness. :]

  3. Don't you look beautiful? You have the most stunning colouring, so pretty.
    Loving your friend's costumes, too.
    Glad you had fun!

  4. Colour me scarlet, because I'm blushing as red as a red thing. Thank you!

  5. Looks like an amazing party! I've always wanted to have a dance on a boat :) You and all your friends look lovely.


  6. Haha sorry I'm just now getting around to looking at your blog! I tried to look when you started following me, but for some reason it wouldn't let me see your profile until you commented. But thanks so much for following and commenting! <3

  7. aww . . . beautiful pictures !

  8. @Julia: Thank you so much.
    @Alexandra: I'm so glad that you kept trying and came to check me out. I really enjoy your blog, so thank you for reading.

    Thank you!
